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The Suggestions on Feeding And Management of Chicken Farms

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-11-29      Origin: LONGMU


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At this stage of the breeding environment, there are many technical and operational defects such as temperature, humidity, drinking nipple, light, feeder, epidemic prevention management and environmental sanitation to varying degrees in the farm, which has become the biggest factor affecting the profit of chicken farming.

There is a problem:

01 Temperature control is not in place

Temperature is an important factor affecting the health of chicken flocks. If the temperature requirements are not strictly implemented, it is doomed to cause breeding failure. In order to save heating costs, it is difficult to meet the appropriate temperature requirements for broiler growth by removing the temperature when it should not be removed. Hot and cold, and excessive temperature differences are the direct causes of colds in chicken flocks, and at the same time cause a series of diseases such as intestinal diarrhea, respiratory symptoms, reduced feed intake or failure to meet normal standards.

Chicken flocks require 1-2 degrees higher than normal temperature during epidemic prevention and beak trimming. Most farmers artificially lower the temperature, which will not only cause loose stools (yellow feces) in chicken flocks, but also make chicken flocks less immune, and even cause Vaccine immunity failed.

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Individual chicken houses have poor thermal insulation performance, and the temperature is difficult to control well; when the weather changes, the temperature adjustment and control of the chicken house is ignored; when the outside temperature is high in winter, ventilation is not paid attention to, and the phenomenon of hot dead chickens appears.

02 Disinfection of empty houses is not strict

The chicken coop waste is not cleaned thoroughly, not rinsed clean, or even not rinsed at all. When disinfecting after washing, the choice of disinfection drugs is not appropriate, or the disinfection conditions are unreasonable, the chicken coop is poorly sealed, etc., and the disinfection effect is not good.

03 Drinking water quality is not guaranteed

If the drinking water pipes are not cleaned and disinfected for a long time, the feed falling into the drinking fountains will be fermented and rotted, and the chickens will drink the deteriorating water source, which will virtually cause intestinal diseases and eventually lead to an increase in the feed-to-meat ratio. Individual farmers removed the small drinking nipples and replaced them with large drinking fountains within 4-5 days, resulting in insufficient drinking nipple for the chickens. What's more, the large drinking fountains were used directly from the age of one day, resulting in a serious shortage of drinking water for the chicks. In the case of death, the failure of the drinking fountain causes no water in the drinking fountain, especially when the temperature is high, causing more serious damage to the chickens; the water leaking of the drinking fountain causes the humidity in the chicken house to be too high, causing the occurrence of coccidiosis; the drinking water temperature is too high or the chickens When the house temperature is too high, individual chickens may take a bath.

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04 Expansion and grouping are not timely

In order to save coal, the speed of population expansion in winter and spring is too slow, and if the expansion is not timely, the air in the chicken house will be polluted, the living environment will be poor, and it will easily cause respiratory and intestinal diseases, which will seriously affect the growth and development of chickens; if the expansion is not timely, As a result, the density of chicken flocks increases and the feed level is insufficient, which ultimately affects the feed intake of chickens.

05 Illumination control is unreasonable

Excessive light causes feather pecking and anal pecking in chickens; too much activity and energy consumption; uneven light source settings affect growth and production performance.

06 Feed quality is not guaranteed

Individual chicken breeders feed the chickens at the chick stage, and use plastic paper for bulk feeding. The quantity is not enough or the time is too short. Some directly use small feeding buckets or large feeding buckets, resulting in small feed intake for chickens, and some chickens cannot eat. The feed is stored in a high temperature environment, vitamins are oxidized, the quality is reduced, and the feed-to-meat ratio is increased; individual farmers lack storage facilities for feed storage, and do not keep it according to technical specifications, resulting in moldy or polluted feed for broilers.

07 The immune effect of epidemic prevention is poor

Vaccines come from informal channels, and the quality cannot be guaranteed; the operation is not in accordance with the storage and storage specifications, especially in rural areas without power outages, resulting in vaccine failure; during epidemic prevention operations, the diluted vaccine is not used up within 1-2 hours, There is no guarantee that each chicken will obtain a sufficient amount of effective titer; the amount of drinking water for immunization is insufficient or too much, the drinking fountains are not clean enough, and the continuous use of disinfectants and antiviral drugs for three days before and after immunization will affect the effect of epidemic prevention.

08 Environmental sanitation is dirty and messy

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If the chicken manure is dumped randomly, a large number of germs will be transmitted through the medium, and the chickens will get sick, which will directly affect the economic benefits of breeding. If the environmental sanitation is not cleaned and disinfected, it will become a place where germs hide and filth, threatening the health of the chickens at any time; when entering the production area, there are no disinfection facilities in the chicken house, and some of them are just decorations, and people become the chief culprit of disease transmission; inside the chicken house The chickens cannot be disinfected regularly, and it is too late to find problems in the chicken flock; if the chicken manure is not cleaned up in time, the ammonia smell, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide concentration in the chicken house will easily cause respiratory diseases, affect the production of vaccine antibodies, and threaten the health of the chickens. The body is healthy.

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