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Success Tips And Techniques for Breeding Chickens

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-11-29      Origin: LONGMU


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Choosing the Right Breeding Stock

Breeding chickens starts with selecting the right breeding stock. It is important to choose healthy poultry birds that are free from any genetic defects or illnesses. The birds should be at least 9 months old before using them as breeding stock. The rooster-to-hen ratio should be 1:10 or less to ensure that each hen is fertilized properly. You can’t control when hens start laying eggs because they will do so regardless of whether or not a rooster is present

There are various methods of breeding chickens, including natural mating, artificial insemination, and selective breeding. Breeding chickens can vary from simple to complex, requiring knowledge of genetics and breeding techniques. However, it can be a rewarding practice for those who are interested in producing high-quality poultry for meat or eggs.

chicken farm

Raising Chicks

Raising chicks can be a rewarding experience for anyone in poultry backyard breeding. It is important to ensure that the poultry chicks are healthy and well-cared for to ensure their survival.

Housing and Equipment

A clean, dry, and draft-free environment is essential for raising chicks. A brooder box or a warm, enclosed area should be used to keep the chicks safe and warm. Pine shavings or other suitable bedding should be used to absorb moisture and provide a soft surface for the chicks to stand on. A heat lamp or other heat source should be provided to maintain a temperature of 95°F for the first week, decreasing by 5°F each week until the chicks are fully feathered.


After the eggs have been laid, they need to be incubated at about 100 degrees to hatch. This can be done naturally by a broody hen or with an egg incubator. If using a poultry egg incubator, it is important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper temperature and humidity levels. Temperatures over 103 degrees will kill embryos. If temperatures are a degree or two lower, the eggs may take an extra day before hatching. The eggs should be turned regularly to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell.


The incubation period for chicken eggs is approximately 21 days. Once the chicks start to hatch, they should be left in the incubator until they are dry and fluffy. They should then be placed in a brooder with the temperature at 95 degrees for the first week. The baby-chicks should also be provided with chick starter feed and fresh water.

If a hen hatches the chicks, she will usually stay on the chicken nest box for about 24 hours after the chicks start to hatch so that no one gets left behind. After that, she will leave the poultry nests and teach the chicks where to find food and water. It’s a good idea to put them in a small chicken coop so that none of the chicks get lost or killed by predators. Even barn cats may find chicks to be a tasty treat, and although some hens are great protectors, there are no guarantees.

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Health and Disease Management

Chicks hatched on the farm tend to have fewer health problems than those shipped through the mail from a hatchery. Although chicks can survive 2-3 days without food or water, it is stressful, and there is typically some loss. Chicks hatched on the farm usually have 100% survivability once they are out of the egg.

Breed Selection

When selecting a breed to breed, it is important to consider the purpose of the breeding and how much you want to be involved in the process.

It is also important to consider the climate and environment in which the chickens will be living. Some breeds are better suited for cold climates, while others are better suited for warm climates.

If you want to hatch your own meat birds, it is important to know that the modern sold as “broiler chickens” by hatcheries result from artificial insemination. Their breasts are so large that they cannot mate naturally, so if you want to breed them, you’ll need to learn to do artificial insemination.

Most people who breed their own choose a dual-purpose heritage breed, meaning that the hens lay a decent amount of eggs, and the males are big enough to make a decent chicken dinner.

Factors Affecting Egg Production

The following factors can affect egg production in chickens:

Breed: Some chicken breeds are better egg layers than others.

Age: Young hens typically start laying eggs at around 6 months old and will continue laying for 2-3 years before their production decreases.

Diet: A well-balanced diet that includes the necessary nutrients is essential for good egg production.

Living Conditions: Hens need a clean and stress-free living environment with adequate space and access to fresh water.

rabbit drinker

Egg Collection and Storage

Hens will lay eggs even if a rooster is not present, but the eggs won’t hatch. The only thing the roost does is fertilize the eggs. If you plan to hatch the eggs, a rooster must be with the hens. Fertilized eggs can be stored for up to 7 days before they are placed in an incubator or under a broody hen for hatching.

Common Predators

When it comes to raising chickens, one of the most important things to consider is the threat of predators. Common predators that pose a risk to chickens include raccoons, owls, hawks, and cats. These animals can attack chickens, kill them, and even eat them.

Protecting Your Flock

To protect your chickens from predators, it is important to take certain precautions. First, make sure your chicken coop is secure and has no holes or gaps where predators can enter. This includes the windows, doors, and even the roof. Consider using hardware cloth instead of chicken wire, as it is more durable and can prevent predators from breaking in.

Another way to protect your flock is to keep them locked up at night. This can be done by closing the chicken coop door and using a latch that predators cannot open. Additionally, consider using motion-activated lights or alarms to scare off predators.


Breeding chickens can be a fun and rewarding experience for those interested in producing their own meat and eggs without buying chicks from a poultry hatchery every year. Whether you are looking to produce eggs for personal consumption or to sell them commercially, there are a few key factors to consider when raising chickens.

First and foremost, providing a safe and stress-free environment for your adult birds is important. This includes adequate shelter, food, water, and proper sanitation to prevent the spread of disease.

When it comes to breeding, it is important to select healthy, genetically diverse birds to ensure the best possible offspring.

While breeding chickens can be a lot of work, it can also be a lot of fun. Many people enjoy the process of watching their birds grow and develop, and there is a sense of satisfaction that comes with producing your own eggs or meat.

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