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Precautions for breeding pheasants

Views: 700     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2022-12-09      Origin: LONGMU


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Due to the rapid growth of commercial meat chickens, the adaptability and resistance of the meat chicken to the environment and the ability to disease resistance are reduced. At the same time, it is affected by many factors such as feed quality, which has led to a decrease in the return rate of meat and chicken feed, high rigidity, and eventually causing economic losses. Therefore, it is very important to master the management of meat and chicken breeding in winter and spring. Daily hygiene management mainly includes disinfection, feed, drinking water, grass pads, cleaning, ventilation, temperature control, and chicken manure.

1. Hygienic management of chicken houses

(1) The feed must be kept fresh

The storage time should not be too long, it is advisable for 10-20 days.

(2) Feed Fresh

The overhead stack is placed in ventilation, dryness, and cool places.

(3) Opening Hygiene

The feeder plate should be used within 1-3 days after entering the chicken, and the chicks such as chicken manure should be cleaned up before each feeding.

(4) Chicken Feed Management

After the chicks are purchased, they should adapt for 3 to 5 days. They feed 4 times a day and feed 2 times at night. Temperature control is 28 to 30 degrees. When feeding every day, carefully observe the feeding of chicks. Anorexia is the result of chicks that do not like to eat, and other phenomena must be paid attention to. Adjust the feed formula in time, add a small number of digestive drugs to the feed to help the chicks increase appetite, add a small amount of sugar to drinking water every day, and increase the physique of chicks so that the chicks will produce the chicks as soon as possible so that they can adapt to the new environment.

poultry eq

2. Disinfection

(1) Chicken HouseClean and Disinfection Procedure

Clean the chicken house floorchicken manure → clean the chicken house → disinfection the ground and wall +drying after drying → open window ventilation → internal and outer disinfection houses to spray Spray the disinfectant once a week.

(2) Chicken Equipmentdisinfection

The appliance in the chicken house is soaked in disinfection liquid for 1 day, washed and dried in water, and put in the sterilized chicken house.

(3) Disinfection and epidemic prevention work after selling chicken

After the chickens are sold, those who contact the chicken must wash their hair and take a bath. After changing the clothes and shoes, put them in the disinfectant and soak them before cleaning.

(4) disinfection tank

There is a sterilization pool in front of the chicken house. Can't use iron appliances. According to regulations, the disinfection solution should be replaced once a day to maintain an effective concentration.

3. Drinking water hygiene management

(1)Use a small chick drinker bucketwithin 15 days after entering the seedlings. On the 12th day, you can replace the automatic chick drinker and gradually reduce the small chick drinker bucket. The water that chickens drink is best-used mineral water that humans drink.

(2) When adding water each time, use a small kettle to clean the barrel. The use time for each barrel of water is about 8HRS: the automatic chicken drinking lineis cleaned every morning. The water level is 2/3 of the barrel depth.

(3) The water tower is placed in the chicken house, and it must be cleaned once a day. After feeding the medicine, it must be cleaned immediately.

(4) Washed drinker water pipesevery 15 days, completely disinfected, and cleaned during emptiness.

(5) Each 1000-day-old chick should be equipped with about 20-25 4 liters of water heaters to place fresh and clean drinking water. Some chicks often have different grades of water drinks, causing chicks to lack water to varying degrees and appear "dried chicken". Such chicks grow slowly in the later period, which will also affect the uniformity of chicken groups. The drinking water heater should be placed close to the heat source and alternately placed with the chickenfeeder.

(6) Water cannot stop. Drinking water is required to be clean and hygienic, without pathogenic microorganisms. Disinfection should be cleaned before the water dispenser.

chicken feeding line

4. Plastic floor mat

(1) Plastic floor padsare easy to get sick on the ground, and the leakage board effectively solves this problem. The height of the leakage plate is 40-50 cm. If you use automatic manure, the height should be 60 cm.

(2) According to the habits of the chicken, chicken manure does not need to clean every day, Clean up according to the actual situation.

(3) For Each batch of chickens, farmers can remove, disinfect, clean the chicken house, and then reinstall it.

5. activity area hygiene management

(1) activity area should be flat, with no water, and disinfection not less than twice a week.

(2) The water on the side of the activity area is well maintained. Frequent cleaning and not checking after the rain.

(3) Protective measures should be taken in the yard to prevent other animals from attacking each other.

(4) The environmental sanitation around the chicken house is general. Other poultry and chicken manure farms shall not be raised around the automatic chicken house.

6. Control the ventilation system

(1) Be careful not to cause the temperature in the chicken house to rise sharply. Prevent diseases caused by stress reactions caused by excessive temperature difference. The ventilation port should be 1.5 meters above the chicken back.

(2) When the temperature drops suddenly and the cold and insulation work cannot keep up, it is easy to make the chickens feel cold outdoors, and diseases. Therefore, the breeder should pay close attention to climate change and do a good job of cold protection and warmth.

(3) The chicken house should be repaired to prevent the wind from blowing the chicken group.

(4) Improve hardware facilities: use the cooling fans, cooling pads, spray, sprinkler, and other facilities to cool down, strengthen ventilationand heat dissipation in the automatic chicken farm, avoid groundwater, control the humidity of the chicken house, and improve the automatic poultry breeding farmenvironment.




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