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Methods and precautions for egg hatching

Views: 365     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2022-10-21      Origin: LONGMU


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When you raise chickens, you usually buy chicken seedlings directly to start raising them. However, some local small-scale chicken farmers will also choose their own method of hatching eggs to obtain chicken seedlings. So what should you pay attention to when hatching eggs? The two most important conditions for the success of hatching eggs, one is temperature, and the other is humidity. Here are some things to pay attention to when hatching eggs.

Preheating eggs for hatching

Move the eggs placed in the air-conditioned egg storehouse to a room of 22°C to 25°C for preheating for 6 to 8 hours, remove the water vapor on the egg surface, and start the coding tray incubation when the egg surface temperature reaches room temperature.incubator

 temperature control

Temperature is the primary condition for the development of chicken embryos, and the temperature control should be stable during incubation to prevent sudden highs and lows. The chick incubation period is 21 days: the incubation temperature is 38.5°C for 1 to 6 days, 38°C for 7 to 14 days, 37.8°C for 15 to 18 days, and 37.4°C for 19 to 21 days.

control humidity

By controlling the humidity well, the embryos can be heated evenly in the early stage, and it is conducive to heat dissipation and hatching in the middle and late stages. Under normal circumstances, the relative humidity: 60% to 70% for 1 to 7 days, 50% to 55% for 8 to 16 days, and 65% to 70% after 17 days.


The development of chicken embryos must constantly exchange gas with the outside world, especially in the late incubation period, when the embryos begin to breathe through the lungs, the oxygen demand increases, and the carbon dioxide emission increases. At this time, ventilation should be increased to keep the air fresh.

The above are some of the things that need to be paid attention to when hatching eggs. You must pay more attention. Many people know that hatching eggs need to ensure the temperature, but they ignore the humidity, which is the reason for the failure of hatching eggs.For egg selection, try to use eggs that have been stored for less than 2 weeks, with normal egg shape, moderate size, uniform shell thickness, consistent color, and bright color. The shorter the storage time, the higher the hatching rate.incubator

Before disinfection, fumigation is generally used for disinfection, that is, 15 grams of potassium permanganate and 30 ml of formalin per cubic meter of space are used for fumigation at a temperature of 25 ° C ~ 30 ° C for 20 minutes, which can kill the eggs. The virus on the surface, disinfection is generally carried out in the disinfection cabinet.

Temperature is the primary condition for hatching. The hatching temperature should be based on the embryonic development. The method of applying temperature is high in the early stage, flat in the middle, slightly lower in the later stage, and slightly higher in the hatching stage. The temperature is 6~8 hours before hatching, egg temperature is 36℃~38℃, 1~7 days; 38.8℃~39.2℃, 8~14 days; 38.5℃~38.8℃, 15~20 days; 38 ℃~38.5℃, 21~24 days (ie out of the shell);

Humidity Humidity also plays an important role in the whole incubation process. If the humidity is insufficient, the embryos will stick to the shell and hatching will be difficult; if the humidity is too high, it is easy to cause poor absorption of the chick yolk, poor physique, and easy death. The appropriate humidity should be based on the principle of high at both ends and flat in the middle, that is, the relative humidity in the early stage is 60%~65%, the middle stage is 55%~60%, the later stage is 60%~68%, and the hatching stage is 70%~75%.

In order to make the eggs evenly heated, the eggs must be turned manually or naturally. From the second day of hatching, the eggs are generally turned once every 2 to 4 hours. Egg.

Air-drying eggs should be air-dried when the egg temperature reaches 38.8°C in the middle and late incubation days, usually once a day for 16 days of incubation; and 2 times a day for 21-24 days of incubation. The time to dry the eggs can be flexibly controlled according to the situation, and continue to hatch when the egg temperature drops to 35°C.

Water spraying is one of the key measures to improve the hatching rate. Water spraying can make the eggshell crispy, the eggshell of the pheasant is thick and the eggshell is hard. For this reason, it needs to be sprayed with water every day for 21 to 24 days of incubation. Second, the water temperature is about 35 ℃, and the hatching will continue after the water is dry. Under the action of repeatedly drying the eggs and spraying water, the eggshell will change from hard to brittle, which is conducive to the chicks breaking out of the shell.

For the first time, when the eggs are hatched for 6 to 8 days, the fertilization rate of the hatching eggs is mainly checked. According to the normal eggs, the eye spots on the embryos can be found, and the color of the eggs is red

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