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How to hatch eggs

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-07-12      Origin: LONGMU


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Eggs are a food we often eat. They are very rich in nutritional value and are deeply loved and sought after by everyone. Many people don't understand why the eggs we buy can't hatch chicks. In fact, only the eggs produced after mating of roosters and hens can hatch chicks, Let's see how an egg turns into a chick

egg incubator1

Preparation before hatching

1.Prepare an incubator

Prepare an incubator according to the number of hatching needs. The machine must be sterilized before each incubation.

2. Test machine performance

After the machine is installed, a trial run of the equipment (2 hours) is required to check whether the machine has any faults.

3. Choose a hatchery

The machine should be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and it must not be placed in the sun. The mini machine should be more than 50 cm away from the ground. The temperature of the selected incubation environment should not be lower than 15°C, and not higher than 30°C. Try to keep the temperature constant and not fluctuate.


4. Ready to hatch eggs

Only fertile eggs will hatch, so be sure to have eggs ready. Irregularly shaped eggs and eggs with too many stains on the surface are discarded. Breeding eggs need to be disinfected, and put their heads up on the egg tray for disinfection. Potassium permanganate + formalin can be selected for fumigation. Egg sources: farms and online shopping. It is best to choose eggs that are 3-7 days old, and the hatching rate will decrease as the storage time of the eggs increases. If it is an online shopping egg, check whether the egg is damaged as soon as you receive the goods, and then put the egg upside down for 24 hours before hatching.

incubation process

1.machine running

After adding water and powering on the incubator for 2 hours (add a small amount of water at the beginning of the mini machine), the temperature fluctuates around 37.8 degrees by 0.1-0.3 degrees, which is normal, and the humidity in the early stage fluctuates around 50%-70%. ), it is also normal for machines in this range. If the temperature of the machine is normal and the previous humidity is lower than 50, add water to the machine. If the humidity is too high, the humidity of the machine will change when the top cover is opened, because too much water has been added. You can wait for the humidity to drop slowly and reduce the water addition next time.

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2. put eggs

After the machine test is normal, put the prepared eggs into the incubator in an orderly manner and close the lid. When the ambient temperature is lower than 25°C, it is recommended to wear a foam box. In summer, it is recommended to wear a lower foam box if the machine does not overheat.

3. Incubation time

Ordinary eggs and gamecocks hatch in about 21 days, pheasants in about 24 days, guinea fowls and turkeys in about 26-28 days. The temperature of all breeding eggs must be well controlled in the early stage of incubation, especially when the temperature difference between inside and outside is large, do not take them out frequently to illuminate the eggs, and try not to open the upper cover unless there are special circumstances. The temperature imbalance in the early stage will easily lead to slow egg yolk absorption and increase the probability of deformity in chicks.

4. candling and flipping eggs

On the seventh day of incubation, give the eggs a "body check". The darker the better, the hatched eggs are placed on the egg candling hole of the machine or on the canister, and the fertilized eggs that can see clear bloodshot are developing fertilized eggs, and there are no Fertilized eggs are transparent. When you check out the sperm-free eggs and dead sperm eggs, you should take them out, otherwise, if you continue to hatch these eggs, they will deteriorate under the action of high temperature and affect the development of other eggs. If you encounter eggs that cannot be distinguished for the time being, you can mark them, and after a few days, separate eggs can be picked up, and if there is no change, they will be eliminated directly. When the eggs are hatched to 11-12 days, the second egg candling is carried out. The purpose of this time is to check the development of the eggs and detect the stopped eggs in time. Turn the eggs regularly to prevent the embryo from sticking to the eggshell. After 18 days, stop turning the eggs.

5. order

When hatching to 18 days, it will be ready to be placed on the plate. It is to stop the machine from turning the eggs, take out the rollers from the single-layer mini machine, put them into the hatching net and place the eggs evenly on the hatching net (for multi-layer machines, the upper layer rollers do not need to be removed, the hatching net should be processed and placed on the hatching net. on the shaft, and the eggs are placed on hatching nets to hatch). At this stage, water spraying and egg drying are also required at the same time.

6. Spray and dry eggs

From the 18th day, increase the humidity of the incubator to about 75%. Spray eggs with warm water at about 40°C 2-6 times a day, keep the humidity at about 75%, and increase the humidity by spraying water according to humidification. The process of spraying the eggs with water is also the process of drying the eggs. The ambient temperature is above 20°C and the eggs are dried 1-2 times a day, about 2-10 minutes each time, and the mini-machine spraying water on three or more floors is equivalent to drying the eggs


7. out of shell

The incubation period of eggs is 21 days, but during the hatching period, that is, in the last 3 days, chicks will hatch one after another. When spraying eggs with water, be sure to avoid the place where the shell has been pecked

8. Hatch time

It takes time for the chicks to peck their shells until they come out of their shells. It may take about 12 hours if the time is long, and tens of minutes if the time is short. Therefore, when you find cracks in the pecking shell but have not hatched, don't rush to help the chicks manually extract the shell, so as not to find the pecking point and affect the hatching. Wait patiently and avoid the pecking position and continue to spray water. When placing the eggs for incubation, you can choose to put them in at four o'clock in the afternoon. After this time, the hatching time of the chicks will be relatively concentrated during the day.


take out the chicks

When the chicks are out of the shell, be sure to wait for the feathers to dry out in the incubator before taking them out of the incubator. It is not recommended to take the chicks out if the ambient temperature difference is large. Or you can use tungsten filament bulbs and cartons to make a simple brooding box. The temperature is controlled at about 30°C-35°C (the brooding temperature can be adjusted appropriately according to the condition of the chicks), and there must be enough space for the chicks below for the chicks. Find the right temperature. Straw and cotton batting are optional.


The chicks are fed with water and then fed 24 hours after hatching. Warm boiled water is enough. After 24 hours, mix the soaked millet and cooked egg yolk to feed the first meal evenly, and there is no need to add egg yolk later. Millet soaked in warm water is enough (do not feed too much in the first 5 days).

out of temperature

To remove the temperature of the chicks, the brooder box or incubator can be slowly lowered from the second day after the chicks are raised, by 0.5°C every day until it is consistent with the outside world, and the temperature needs to be lowered more slowly in winter. How to master the best brooding temperature? Observing that the chicks eat, sleep, and hang out indicates that the temperature is appropriate.

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