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How much do you know about the installation requirements of the waterline?

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-06-25      Origin: LONGMU


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In large-scale chicken farms, a lot of dirt, drug residues, algae, and other substances often accumulate in water pipelines, nipple drinkers, and water tanks, causing blockage of water lines and drinking fountains, making chickens unable to drink normally, and unclean The pipeline will breed a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, and the poultry will be forced to drink the contaminated water, greatly increasing the incidence of disease.

If the waterlineis not cleaned for a long time, a black film will grow on the inner wall. It is because of this film that bacteria multiply in the waterline. If it is as short as 20 to 30 minutes, if it is longer, it can reproduce for one generation. It is conceivable You know, chickens have been drinking this kind of water, no wonder the chickens will have enteritis and diarrhea. Therefore, once the chicken flock has intestinal problems, first check whether the water line is dirty or the water quality is poor. Only by solving the poor water quality and dirty water line can the intestinal problems of the chicken flock be fundamentally eliminated.

poultry equipment

Waterline Management for Broiler Flocks

Waterline management is the most important factor in a good broiler flock. Advances in broiler chickens have allowed them to grow faster and larger, especially breast meat, to eat more feed at a young age, to convert feed more efficiently than previous broilers, and to increase their need for drinking water. Modern broiler houses are equipped with cooling equipmentthat uses a lot of water in hot weather. All of this places more importance on adequate water supply and storage so that the flocks can perform. Today we focus on water velocity and water temperature - factors that are often overlooked.

Modern chicken farmsare equipped with drinking water meters. Under normal circumstances, the ratio of drinking water to feed intake of poultry is generally 1.8:1, that is, one chicken eats 100g of food a day, almost 200g of water. If you find that the amount of drinking water has increased, you should first check whether the water line is leaking, and then check whether the water pressure is too high, whether the temperature of the chicken house is overheated, and whether the salt content in the feed is too much? If these problems are ruled out, then consider the disease problem.

Too low water pressure and the water will come out, too high and the birds will have to push hard on the nipple drinkers to get the water out, resulting in reduced water intake. For our modern caged chickens, especially a 70,000 to 80,000 H-type chicken cage, it is necessary to check the condition of the nipples frequently to see if there is a blockage and develop the habit of checking the water line by the nipples when walking in the aisle.

The most comfortable drinking posture for chickens is to stand up straight and raise their heads so that the water just flows into their throats. This needs to be controlled by adjusting the height of the water line. For chicks within 7 days of age, the angle between the mouth and the drinking fountain is 35 -45 degree(as shown in the left picture below), and for adult chickens older than 7 days, the angle between the mouth and the drinking fountain is about 85 degree.

nipple drinker

I just talked about the management of waterlines, and now I will talk about the more important management of water quality.

First of all, we should all check the water quality in our homes.

Take a few clean cups and take samples at the front, middle, and back of the house to check the color, clarity, sedimentation, and odor of the water, and whether there are floating membranes on the water's surface.

Good water should be colorless, odorless, clear, and translucent, without precipitation or impurities. At the same time, ask yourself, will we drink this kind of water? If we don’t drink it ourselves, why let the chickens drink it?


Installation of nipple drinker

Before installation, it is required that the inner and outer surfaces of the waterline pipes are clean and free of dirt, the nipples are sensitive and not clogged, and the water meters are accurate;

After installation, the water line is flat, the height is appropriate, the joints are tightly connected, the water level gauge is clear and easy to read, and the end is connected to the drain pipe;

The high-pressure valve and water discharge valve are flexible and reliable, a water receiving cup (in the same direction) is installed under each nipple, and the elevator is sensitive;

·The electric shock wire is tight and tight, the electric shock device has an obvious effect, and the dosing device (piston/pressure tank) and filter are well-equipped and reliable.

Waterline rinse:

Rinse the waterline and wipe the surface regularly: especially during the brooding period, when the temperature is above 30°C, the pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria multiply quickly, and the water is easy to corrupt, so it should be rinsed and scrubbed every day; during the immunization period, it can be rinsed with clean water; drinking For multivitamins and medicines that are thicker after dilution, the water line should be rinsed thoroughly after drinking (on the same day) to ensure the smooth flow of the water line.

The flushing time of the water line should be determined according to the actual water pressure, generally not less than 30 minutes.

Flushing works best at high pressure. Therefore, according to the water source conditions in the field, the odd and even number of chicken houses should be washed on a daily basis, and each chicken house should be washed one by one to achieve the best results.

Flushing operation process:

After turning off the lights, open the drain valve at the end of the water line → open the high-pressure valve in the middle of the water line → open the dosing device/pressure tank → rinse with disinfectant for 20 minutes → rinse with clean water for 20-30 minutes → close the high-pressure valve → close the drain valve → end of flushing.

Waterline Soaking:

Soak and disinfect the waterline on a regular basis every week. The operation process: shake the waterline after turning off the lights, open the drain valve at the end of the waterline → open the high-pressure valve in the middle → open the dosing device/pressure tank → suck/pump the disinfectant of the specified concentration Enter the water line → wait for the water with disinfectant to flow out from the end of the water line → close the high-pressure valve → close the drain valve at the end of the water line → close the water source and dosing device/pressure tank → soak for 30 minutes → open the drain valve and high-pressure valve, in turn, → Flush the disinfectant out of the water line → rinse with clean water for 20-30 minutes → close the high-pressure valve → close the drain valve → finally shake the water line and adjust it to a suitable level → the end of flushing.

Precautions for water line washing and soaking

Immersion should rock the lift, raising the waterline. (stop drinking, increase stress)

Open the water discharge valve at the end and connect the water pipe to the sewage ditch.

Turn off all extra water and increase buffer pressure.

When soaking, wait for the disinfectant to fill the water line, and after closing the valve, touch the drinking nipples one by one to ensure that the disinfectant can reach each nipple; drain the disinfectant, and touch the drinking nipples one by one again when rinsing with clean water to achieve the best flushing effect and avoid disinfectant residues.

Before and after flushing the water line, employees should turn off and on the electric shock wire in time to ensure personal safety and prevent chickens from perching and bending the water line.

filter (12)

Cleaning of the filter: Clean it regularly according to the water quality to ensure a good filtering effect and not clog the nipple.

The use management of the dosing device: the dosing device is expensive, and it is forbidden to tamper with it and disassemble it without permission. During use, the water quality is required to be good and free of impurities. After each maintenance and flushing, the dosing device must be assembled tightly. When the dosing device and the water line are flushed and disinfected at the same time, there must be clear water or disinfectant in the dosing basin to wash out the impurities inside the dosing device, reduce the wear and tear of the dosing device and prolong its life.

Use management of pressure tank:

During the use of the pressure tank, there must be no shortage of water to prevent the motor from burning out. The dosing barrel should be removed regularly for cleaning and disinfection to prevent the breeding of bacteria or other microorganisms.

Dosatron(D25RE10) (1)Dosatron(D25RE10) (1)

Use of pressure valves:

Due to the long-term addition of drugs, impurities in the water can easily adhere to the inner wall of the pressure valve, causing bacteria to breed and pollute the drinking water. Therefore, it must be cleaned and disinfected on time. Operated by technicians or maintenance personnel personally (if the seal is not tight, water leakage will easily occur).

Use of waterline switching valves:

When using a dosing device/pressure tank to dosing, it is necessary to switch/replace the water flow. The water line switching valve needs to be opened and closed frequently. When using it, it should be operated gently and maintained carefully to avoid affecting the normal dosing due to lax or damaged valves. process.

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