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How long does it take for a chicken to start laying eggs after being purchased from a store or breeder?

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-10-17      Origin: LONGMU


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How long does it take for a chicken to start laying eggs after being purchased from a store or breeder?

The time it takes for a chicken to start laying eggs after being purchased from a store or breeder can vary depending on several factors, including the age and breed of the chicken. Here are some general guidelines:

Age of the Chicken: Most chickens start laying eggs between 5 to 6 months of age. However, this can vary among individual chickens and breeds. Some chickens may start laying as early as 4 months, while others may take longer, up to 7 or 8 months.

Breed: The breed of the chicken can influence when they begin laying. Some breeds are known for early egg production, while others may be later bloomers. For example, many hybrid and production breeds, such as Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, tend to start laying earlier than heritage or ornamental breeds.


Environmental Factors: The environment in which the chicken is raised can affect their egg-laying timeline. Factors like daylight hours, temperature, and stress levels can impact egg production. Chickens tend to lay more eggs when exposed to longer daylight hours, typically during the spring and summer months.

Nutrition: Providing a balanced and nutritious diet to your chickens is essential for healthy egg production. Chickens with proper nutrition are more likely to start laying eggs on schedule.

Health and Care: The overall health and care of the chicken play a role in when they begin laying. Birds that are well cared for, free from diseases, and provided with appropriate shelter and living conditions are more likely to start laying eggs on time.

Genetics: Some individual variations in egg-laying timelines can be attributed to genetic factors. Chickens within the same breed may start laying at slightly different ages.

In summary, most chickens from reputable breeders or stores should begin laying eggs between 5 to 6 months of age, but there can be variations based on breed and individual factors. It's essential to provide proper care, nutrition, and a suitable environment to support healthy egg production in your chickens. If you have specific questions about the egg-laying timeline for a particular breed or chicken, it's a good idea to consult with the breeder or seller for more precise information.

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The time it takes for a chicken to start laying eggs after being purchased can vary depending on several factors, including the age of the chicken, its breed, and its overall health. Here are some general guidelines:

Age of the Chicken: Chickens typically start laying eggs when they reach a certain age, which varies by breed. Most chickens will start laying eggs between 5 to 6 months of age, although some may start as early as 4 months or as late as 8 months. Breeds that are known for early egg production, such as Leghorns, may start laying sooner than other breeds.

Stress and Transition: Chickens can be stressed by changes in their environment, so it's important to provide them with a comfortable and secure place to live. When you purchase a chicken from a store or breeder, it may take some time for the chicken to adjust to its new home. During this transition period, egg production may be delayed.

Health and Nutrition: The health and nutrition of the chicken also play a significant role in when it starts laying eggs. A well-balanced diet with the right nutrients, including calcium, is essential for egg production. Ensure that your chicken is receiving proper nutrition to support egg laying.

Seasonal Factors: Egg production can also be influenced by seasonal factors. Chickens may lay fewer eggs or even stop laying altogether during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter. Providing supplemental lighting in the coop can sometimes encourage egg production during the winter.

Genetics: The breed of chicken can influence when they start laying and their overall egg-laying capacity. Some breeds are known for being prolific layers, while others may lay fewer eggs.

In summary, the time it takes for a chicken to start laying eggs after being purchased can vary, but most chickens will begin laying eggs around 5 to 6 months of age. However, it's important to consider all the factors mentioned above and be patient as your new chicken settles into its new environment and matures.


Do chickens enjoy laying eggs?

Originally I didn’t use the word “cloaca.” One of my readers suggested I use the proper word. I called it the chicken’s ass or butt hole. In praise of the purity of chickens, let me explain that the birds don’t have human plumbing. Both the pee and the poop—and the egg we eat for breakfast—come out of the same hole at the back of the bus, which is officially known as the cloaca.

For what it’s worth, those magnificent roosters that our hens longed to encounter without ever having come in close contact with such an awesome creature, well it has an organ tucked away in its “cloaca” that functions like a penis and eventually results in fertile eggs and lively chicks. This leaves me wondering whether chaste women prefer to restrain themselves from Adam’s crime by avoiding any eggs co-opted to a higher function than ending up as Easter eggs.

I grew up on a chicken farm, so as old farts say, “I know a thing or two about chickens.”

In a coop of 300 hens, everyday there will be three or four hens whose cloacal opening is way too small for the given egg that her body has produced. When gathering the eggs (three times a day) one is never surprised to find an extra large egg (not “extra large” as sold by the carton at your local grocer, but extra large x 2). These eggs are always a problem, but only a comparatively small problem for the poultry people—every egg with dried blood on the shell will have to be scrubbed by hand—and occasionally it becomes a big, bloody problem for some sacrificial hen.

Chickens are relatively intellectual birds. They think, they taste, they remember, they crave. But even more characteristic is their curiosity, absolutely limitless curiosity.

Now try to imagine 300 white hens spending the full two years of their life without ever being in the presence of a rooster, without ever tasting a bite of raw grasshopper, without ever knowing the thrill of escaping from a skunk or a chicken hawk, without ever hearing another sound other than the constant cluck of the hen in the next nest, clucking in her loudest self-praise over having laid one more lifeless egg that will never produce a chick for that mother to mother.

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Our representative hen, who has dropped her bloody egg, hops out of her nest box feeling utterly torn up over what should have been an agreeable experience. Worse, she knows nothing about the droplets of fresh blood that are quietly dripping from her hidden cloacal cavity. To all the other leghorns, the red blood is quite noticeable against the background of white feathers.

The closest chicken dying of intense boredom notices the red, loses all sense of sisterhood, and dives in to be the first to check out the captivating situation—of course the noise of her dive and joyful clucking attracts the other 299 bored laying hens. Tasting the sweet tang of fresh blood, she regrets too late, having voiced her joy at discovering a completely new taste, to say nothing of a totally new color. So she regains her previous quietude too late. But the other 298 now know something big is going on and they want their fair share of the excitement: the blood—and guts—and fresh meat.

Bottom line, whatever we pay for eggs and chicken meat, we are getting off too damn cheap. But what do I know? I never met a chicken that wasn't smarter than I am.

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