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Chicken Farm Management

Views: 572     Author: Chicken Feeder and Drinker     Publish Time: 2022-09-12      Origin: LongMu Breeding Equipment


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1. Environmental sanitation management of chicken farms

Including the large environment of the chicken farm and the small environment of the house. The large environment of the chicken farm means that the location of the chicken farm should be selected in a wide and low-noise place, and not adjacent to other chicken farms (especially those with poor management). The small environment in the house includes the chicken house, the water line, feeding line and chicken breeding equipment.

Requirements of the chicken house: First, its structure should be easy to clean and disinfect, easy to keep warm and well ventilated: Second, the chicken houses should be completely separated. Third, animals such as cats and mice should not be allowed to invade the chicken house and feed storage. Fourth, there should be no sewage, garbage heaps, dung heaps, etc.

chicken drinking line

2. Introduction management of chicken farms

Introduce eggs or chicks from healthy breeder farms to prevent the introduction of pathogens. In recent years, some people have neglected quarantine, disinfection, isolation, and observation due to the direct introduction of varieties, and some infectious diseases have also been introduced while introducing improved varieties. The concept of epidemic prevention is weak, and the disease detection of breeding chickens and the disinfection of eggs is ignored, and the incubator hatching is carried out in a hurry, resulting in an increase in egg-transmitted venereal diseases such as pullorum disease, lymphocytic leukemia, anemia factor disease, and mycoplasma disease. Therefore, breeders or chicks should be purchased from breeder farms with a good reputation, strict compliance, healthy population, and no egg-transmitted diseases.

chicken farm

3. Hygienic management of drinking water in chicken farms

Water is an important part of the chicken body, and it is the material basis for metabolism and various biochemical reactions in the chicken body. It is responsible for the transportation of various nutrients and excrement in the tissues and organs, and participates in the regulation of body temperature, which directly affects the healthy growth of chickens. Doing a good job in the drinking water management of chicken farms is very important for raising chickens and improving economic benefits. Choosing an appropriate drinking  system is the premise of the management of good drinking water . The drinking water system is divided into an opening drinking system (chicken drinking cups, chicken drinking bucket) and a closed drinking system (chicken drinking nipple,chicken drinking fountains ). Although the open drinking system is unsanitary to use, it is easy to produce drips and contaminate the feed, etc., But the cost is low and the operation is convenient. Many chicken farms in the south still use the open drinking  system. When choosing a drinking fountain, the performance of the drinking utensils should be good, the water should not overflow, and the drinking water should not be too wide, so as not to be polluted by chicken manure and plastic. The key to chick drinking water management lies in hygiene and uniformity. To induce their drinking water, attention should be paid to the following aspects: First, it must be disinfected according to sanitary standards and requirements, and the water temperature should be 17--20 °C; : The third is to use an open system for the water supply, and adjust the height of the drinker in a timely manner, so that the chicks can drink enough water. Chickens grow vigorously and feed intake increases. It is very important to provide sufficient drinking water. The water supply varies with the feed intake and temperature changes, depending on the dryness and the wetness of the manure and the wetness of the plastic floor! Air temperature and air humidity, etc. To adjust the water supply. You should also pay attention to the drinking water temperature to avoid low water temperature in winter and high water temperature in summer.

4. Chicken farm feed hygiene management

The feed preparation should be reasonable, the nutrient level should reach the standard, and the moisture and mildew should be prevented during storage.

5. Comprehensive epidemic prevention management of chicken farms

The epidemic prevention work of chicken farms is very important. A sound sanitation management system and sound epidemic prevention measures can make pathogenic microorganisms have no chance to take advantage, thereby greatly improving the breeding efficiency.

1).Strengthen the responsibility of chicken farm staff

Among the many factors of disease prevention, the staff of chicken farm is the most important factor. Only with a high sense of responsibility and consciousness, can the breeding work be done well, and every link of disease prevention can be carefully implemented to reduce the occurrence of epidemic diseases.

2). Improve the health management system

All vehicles entering the chicken farm must pass through the disinfection pool and be sprayed for disinfection, and the disinfectant in the pool is regularly replaced. The transfer cages where the chickens are loaded before and after entering the chicks, transferring the pens, and selling the chickens must be strictly disinfected. The role of the staff of the chicken farm themselves in spreading the disease is easily overlooked. When entering the chicken house, the rubber shoes must be soaked in the disinfection tank first. Inspection of the chicken house, vaccination and injection of drugs may spread the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of personal epidemic prevention and hygiene.

3). Strengthen feeding management.

The scientific feed formula is adopted to meet the nutritional needs of chickens as much as possible and increase the resistance of chickens. Good feeding management and scientific feed formula are effective methods to prevent disease and important means to ensure the level of productivity. Different feed formulas are used for different ages and seasons to ensure that the nutritional needs of the chicken body are met and the body resistance is improved.

4).Develop scientific immunization procedures, immunization monitoring and drug prevention plans. According to the physiological characteristics of chickens at different growth stages, a set of reasonable immune procedures should be established and immune monitoring should be done well. Vaccines beyond the validity period are absolutely not used: the correct inoculation method should be used when planting vaccines, and the whole flock should be vaccinated, never omission: strictly control the timing of vaccination of chickens. Vitamins are added to drinking water to ensure the vaccination effect. In addition, before the epidemic season of some diseases, some drugs (such as antibacterial drugs, anticoccidial drugs, etc.) are put into the feed or drinking water to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

5). Diagnose and treat in time to ensure the healthy growth of chickens.

LONGMU Animal Husbandry Equipment Co., Ltd. is committed to the research, production, and sales of livestock breeding equipment. Professional chicken coop equipment manufacturer in China. Main sale products: poultry drinker and feeder, chicken drinking line, chicken feeding line,  ventilation/exhaust fans, egg incubator, pig, cattle, sheep, rabbit, pigeon, birds breeding equipment.


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