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A Beginner’s Guide for Layer Farm

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-04-07      Origin: LONGMU


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Layer farming is one of the popular aspects of poultry production. It is ranked as the second most practiced poultry venture in the world after broiler farming. If you intend to start a chicken layer farm or want to learn more about hens layer farming, you're on the right page.

This post will guide you on what layer farming or production is all about as well as all you need to do to get started.

Laying Chicken Breeds

The breeds of egg-laying chickens are:

White leghorns

Rhode Island Red

Nera Black

Isa Brown

What is Layer Farming?

This is simply the art and science of raising hens/female chickens primarily for the production of egg production and secondarily for meat. Chicken layers are commercially viable egg-producing chickens.

Chicken eggs are in increasing demand due to their nutritional compositions that are beneficial to humans as well as their usage in confectionery. These have also led to the rapid growth of the poultry industry.

Housing Systems.

For commercial layer production, there are three common chicken housing systems. They are:

Deep-litter system

In this system, the chickens are kept on the floor of a pen or enclosure and they are provided with everything they need which include feed, water, vaccine and drugs. The characteristic feature of this system is that the chickens are kept on the floor covered with litter material that can absorb moisture from the droppings. These materials could be dry wood shavings, rice husks, chopped hay or straw, groundnut hulls, etc.

chicken cage

The ventilation, lighting, chicken drinkers and feeders or feeding trough and the chicken nesting box are made available. So the chickens are fed in the morning, afternoon or before dusk and water is made available round-the-clock.

Litter also helps to control disease and enhances egg cleanliness in laying flocks. In addition to the necessary poultry feeding and watering equipment, the system may utilize nests or roosts or dropping pits, depending upon the type of poultry birds housed.

Housing Management in Layer Farming

To raise laying chickens, you will need a place to the house them. The quality of housing affects the laying performance of these chickens. An easy to manage, clean and comfortable pen is one of the requirements for excellent growth and egg production for layers.

The following are required when sitting and building pens for layers

The road to the pen or farm should be good and accessible roads

Good water, security and electricity must be readily available;

The pen must not be built in crowded, noisy or residential areas or premises;

The pen should not be far from the market;

The pen must be well ventilated;

The pen house must be constructed in such a way that would ease drainage and cleaning;

The walls, floor and roof must be rat and wild bird proof;

The height of the pen house must be 3 meters from the foundation to the roof;

The land to be used must be well drained and should have tall trees around;

The pen should be far from other chicken pens to minimize the risk of disease spread;

The floor of the pen should also be slightly sloppy and preferably concreted.

Must be constructed in the east-west orientation to prevent direct sunlight from entering the house;

The roof must be made with long-lasting roofing materials and water-tight. It must also be wind-proof;

                               chicken feeder (3)1H243b05edc1ee4033a3708bb0c7b2b606W.jpg_960x960chicken feeder

Disadvantages of the deep-litter system

It can constitute a nuisance or environmental pollution if not properly managed;

During a diseases outbreak, the spread might be difficult to curtail

Litter material may become scarce;

Eggs loss and a high number of cracks;

It requires prompt monitoring, supervision and the highest commitment of time and resources;

Hens may become brooding, hence won’t lay eggs again;

For optimal production, expertise and experience are required.

Cannibalism and bullying cases are higher as rogue chickens become threats to others in the flock;

Advantages of the deep-litter system

The chickens and eggs are safe from wild birds and animals;

It saves labour and money required for regular cleaning and buying of cages;

The litter can be used as manure;

Record keeping is possible;

It is suitable for all kinds of weather conditions irrespective of location;

The specific need or requirement of the chickens can be provided.

Battery Cage System

In this system, the chickens are kept in a pen but confined to a chicken cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to stand and sit comfortably. This system is the most intensive type of commercial chicken production and is useful to those with only a small floor space at their disposal. The floor is of strong standard galvanized wire set at a slope from back to the front, so that the eggs as they are laid, roll out of the cage to the egg collection area.

Advantages of the battery cage systemchicken-nest

The chickens and eggs are safe from wild birds and animals;

The faeces of chickens can be used as manure;

Record keeping is possible and easier;

It is suitable for all kinds of weather conditions irrespective of location;

The specific need or requirement of the chickens can be provided or met;

Feeding of birds and the collection of eggs are easier;

Highest stocking rate as more chickens can be kept within on a small floor space;

Easier supervision, culling or selection;

No floor eggs and no broody hens;

Vaccination, medication and other occasional operations are easier;

Less risk of disease, because the birds are not in contact with droppings;

Higher egg weight;

Lower feed intake (about 3-4%) and better feed conversion rate;

Labour saving;

Disadvantages of the battery cage system

The system is relatively high initial investment costs per bird;

The system is not flexible;

The percentage second class eggs is higher;

Pen ventilation is likely to require more attention and control;

De-beaking and light intensity control are necessary.

Technical problems usually occur especially if maintenance is not up to standard;

While both the deep litter system and the battery cage system are ideal for commercial layer production, the chicken battery cage is highly recommended where financing is not a challenge.

Established in 2000, LONGMU is engaged in poultry equipment production including chicken nipple drinkers, poultry waterer drinkers, poultry feeders, feeding lines, drinking lines, and transportation cages.

Our company headquarters is in China.

With 20 sets of plastic injection machines and 30 sets of CNC LATHES, production volume is well ensured.

With our own mold design workshop, we have new product development capability and also do OEM for oversea customers.

To give customers a better poultry solution, we supply chicken house project full set of equipment from a feeding system and drinking system to transportation to climate control and more.

For after-sales, we have a professional after-sales team and poultry installation instructor.

Believe we will take a strong supply system and good profit for you!

LONGMU is a one-stop solution for all your poultry equipment needs. Come and see how our latest products drive your productivity.

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