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What should be paid attention to in feeding turkey and management?

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-04-17      Origin: LONGMU


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The turkey, also known as the turkey, was first domesticated into poultry in Oaxaca, Mexico, about the same time as the Neolithic Age in Europe. Turkey was imported to Europe at the end of the fifteenth century and was introduced to China even later. It is similar to other Galliformes birds. The female bird is smaller than the male bird, and the coat color is darker. The wingspan of the turkey can reach 1.5 to 1.8 meters. Birds with large open woodlands are difficult to confuse with other species. Breeding techniques are introduced below. Let's introduce the physical characteristics of turkeys in detail, and what matters should be paid attention to in feeding and management.

The feathers of turkeys are white, black, gray, and other different colors. When the turkeys grow up, the head and neck feathers will fall off, exposing the skin. People, I am better than a chicken and no less than a peacock. The turkey has a unique appearance: a tall and majestic body, a long and wide back, particularly well-developed chest and leg muscles, a bare head and neck, a cone on the upper nostril, and a skin tumor on the lower part of the head.

turkey equipment

The turkey, also known as the turkey, was first domesticated into poultry in Oaxaca, Mexico, about the same time as the Neolithic Age in Europe. Turkey was imported to Europe at the end of the fifteenth century and was introduced to China even later. It is similar to other Galliformes birds. The female bird is smaller than the male bird, and the coat color is darker. The wingspan of the turkey can reach 1.5 to 1.8 meters. Birds with large open woodlands are difficult to confuse with other species. Breeding techniques are introduced below. Let's introduce the physical characteristics of turkeys in detail, and what matters should be paid attention to in feeding and management.

The feathers of turkeys are white, black, gray, and other different colors. When the turkeys grow up, the head and neck feathers will fall off, exposing the skin. People, I am better than a chicken and no less than a peacock. The turkey has a unique appearance: a tall and majestic body, a long and wide back, particularly well-developed chest and leg muscles, a bare head and neck, a cone on the upper nostril, and a skin tumor on the lower part of the head.

The turkey is tender, delicious, and has a good texture. The protein content of turkey meat is 20% higher than that of other poultry, while the fat content is 21% lower, and the cholesterol content is low. The turkey is mainly herbivorous, the meat is fresh and tender, no smell, no smell, no drug residue, pure and delicious taste, suitable for all ages, it can not only adapt to the high-end dining table but also meet the needs of ordinary families, it is both nourishing nutrition and delicious food excellent product.

Turkeys have the habit of living in groups and are highly gregarious. There are often 30 to 50 turkeys foraging on pastures or fields. Turkey has strong adaptability, can adapt to various types of climates, and is resistant to cold and heat. Turkeys are docile, quiet, timid, and easily startled, and are very sensitive to changes in the external environment. If they are frightened, they will cause disturbances in the turkey flock and keep squawking. Turkeys are also aggressive and aggressive. Competing for female turkeys, repelling dissidents, and snatching delicious food can become the reasons for them to bite and fight with each other.

turkey farm

1. Turkey site selection: The important principle of turkey site selection is that turkey production cannot become a source of pollution to the surrounding environment, nor can it be polluted by other environments. The turkey site should choose a leeward and sunny place with high terrain, flat or slightly sloped terrain. Because if it is relatively humid, it will damage the skin of the turkey. We must consider this aspect when we are breeding. If the method of raising turkeys is semi-grazing or it is necessary to set up a turkey sports field, it should be noted that the field should have clean water and rich pasture. With a good living environment, it's time for us to build a warm and comfortable house for the turkey. And when necessary, it is suggested that you can build the chicken coop in some leeward and sunny places, and you must build a sports field for them properly, so that they can consume their excess energy. On the other hand, there are still certain requirements for the construction of chicken coops. During the construction of turkey coops, temperature control must be considered. In addition, I suggest that you must consider it because turkey itself is a relatively ferocious animal, so please don’t look at their gentle appearance. If we don’t pay attention, we will find that they are very dangerous in the breeding house. It is easy to fight.

2. Construction of turkey coops: The construction of turkey coops mainly takes into the temperature control and ventilation. It is built on the principle of being economical, practical, and conducive to sanitation and disinfection. General farmers can choose open simple sheds and semi-open chicken houses, and farmers with conditions can build more standard chicken coops. The standard shape of the chicken coop is similar to the tile-roofed houses we humans live in. Pay attention to the north-south transparency, so that there will be a "slab building" feeling, and the turkeys can live comfortably. The area of the chicken coop is 4 square meters, and the length and width are each 2 meters. For the convenience of cleaning, a grid is built 20 cm from the bottom of the chicken house. The size of the grid is about 1.5 cm. It is enough that the chicken manure can leak down without damaging the chicken's claws. For the convenience and sanitation of feeding, wooden or bamboo strips are used to make feeding mouths, and troughs and water tanks are installed outside the mouths. A sports field is reserved in front of the chicken house or there is a free-range area for turkeys to eat freely. With a good house, it's time for us to add the necessities of life to these babies.

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3. Equipment required for breeding turkeys: Regarding heating equipment, we recommend using fire channels or stoves for heating in the actual breeding process. The hatching and brooding equipment mainly includes an incubator, brooding bed, and brooding automatic drinking bowl, feeder pan, beak trimmer, etc. In addition, there are some essential appliances in the turkey farm, that is, feed mixers, disinfection sprayers, cleaning tools, etc. The most needed equipment is that everyone must do the necessary insulation work. During the breeding process, it is recommended that everyone can provide heat, but in summer, we must pay attention to ventilation. Because they are not particularly good for cold and heat regulation, and in addition to this link, they also need regular disinfection and treatment, which we must consider before breeding.

4. Feed preparation: turkeys eat grass on a daily basis, so in terms of feed selection, we mainly choose green feed and concentrated feed.

①Green fodder: Planting grass is the focus of the entire turkey breeding work. The green feed that turkeys like to eat is very wide. Weeds, vegetables, leaves, water peanuts, potato vines, peanut seedlings, etc. Are all good feeds for feeding turkeys?

②Concentrate feed: We mainly choose corn, soybean meal, wheat bran and so on as concentrate feed. Special attention: in the actual feeding, special feed for chicks should be prepared.

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