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Tips for free-range chickens

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-04-25      Origin: LONGMU


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Free-range chickens in rural areas are easier to breed than chickens in greenhouses. Free-range chickens live in the outside environment. Due to the good air outside and the fact that they eat some wild grasses and vegetables, the disease resistance of free-range chickens is virtually increased. So it is good to raise free-range chickens in rural areas, but it also requires skills to raise free-range chickens. If the breeding is not good, it will bring losses to free-range chickens. Let me talk about the feeding skills and techniques of free-range chickens step by step, right?

1. Scientific epidemic prevention for free-range chickens

Needless to say, the chickens in the greenhouse have reasonable control procedures. And free-range chickens in rural areas must also follow prevention and control procedures. And some viral diseases must be treated, for example, Marrick's disease of chickens, Newcastle disease of chickens, avian influenza, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, etc., must be immunized correctly, do not leave everyone behind Chickens, resulting in uneven immunity levels of chicken flocks.

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Precautions: The current vaccines are very cheap. Don’t refuse to immunize chickens because of trouble or money. Such consequences will only bring greater losses to free-range chickens.

Second, feed more Chinese herbal medicines to free-range chickens to increase the disease resistance of the chickens.

It is easy to find some Chinese herbal medicines in the countryside. They are generally available in the wild. If it is convenient, the chickens can freely eat some wild grasses and vegetables. If the management is not convenient, you can go to the wild to find Chinese medicines by yourself. material.

Precautions: Let me talk about some Chinese herbal medicines in the countryside here: there are purslane, mugwort, skullcap, skullcap, Radix Radix, Artemisia annua, etc. These are the wild vegetables that free-range chickens like to eat, and there are some bitter weeds, which can be dried and mixed into the grain. And wormwood is a traditional Chinese medicine against coccidiosis, and it is added in proportion to treat coccidiosis in chickens in humid summer.

Three, chickens, ducks, and geese cannot be mixed

Chickens, ducks, and geese cannot be mixed, because once the ducks and geese are infected with Newcastle disease, they will only remain latent in their bodies. In addition, the loud calls of ducks and geese are not conducive to creating a quiet growth environment for chickens, which greatly affects the growth and egg production of broilers.

4. Skillfully increase the weight of chicken nuggets

Traditional Chinese medicine castration method: roosters within 6 months are fed with Schisandra chinensis and 18 pieces of white pepper each; roosters about 1-year-old are fed with 23 capsules each (stuff the medicine into the chicken esophagus with your fingers and eat it at once); feed chicken powder: cinnamon powder 90 %, 20% dried ginger powder, 9% licorice powder, 7% fennel powder, 6% cooked soybean powder, and 8% iron sulfate are all ground into powder and mixed into the feed. Each chicken is fed 1 gram per day, once every two days. The feeding period of chickens can be shortened by 30% by using the rate method; pre-market fattening: a little soybean oil can be added to the feed 7 days before the sale, and sublimated sulfur powder can be added to the feed amount of 2/10,000, which can make the chickens lose weight in a short period of time. Fat; oxytetracycline calcium salt fattening: often mix and feed some oxytetracycline calcium salt in the feed, and each chicken can be fed with about 150 grams per year to make the chicken body fat; celery feed chicken: celery can supplement the vitamins needed by chickens, and have a conditioning effect on chicken anorexia and food loss. The feeding method is to feed 4 times a week, and each chicken is fed 50 grams each time.

5. Vinegar can wake up brood chickens

When the hen suddenly broods, you can feed the chicken a spoonful of vinegar in the morning when the chicken is empty, and then feed it again when it enters the nest at night, so that the chicken can wake up for 4 consecutive days, and it will also affect egg production after waking up. Garlic is a healthy feed for chicks. Feeding chickens with raw garlic can prevent pullorum, indigestion, and other diseases in chicks. The method is to cut the garlic into fine pieces, add 50 grams of minced garlic and 0.25 grams of oxytetracycline per kilogram of feed, and at the same time, feed the chicks difficult to feed with full nutrition.

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6. Use furazolidone skillfully in raising chickens

Furazolidone can not only be used to treat diseases but also promote the growth and development of chicks. A few days after the chicks hatch, adding 2 grams of furazolidone (researched into powder) for every 10 kg of feed can prevent pullorum in chicks; The ratio of 23 mg per day for one chick can be used continuously for one month to prevent coccidiosis in chicks. This greatly reduces chick mortality and promotes chicken growth.

Seventh, a clever way to identify young and old chickens

When people buy chickens, they only pay attention to the 40 toes on the chicken feet, that is, 3 in the front and 1 in the back. They often ignore the 5th toe on the foot bar, which can be used to judge the age of the chicken. One-year-old chickens have only one toe on the foot shaft, and the toe of two-year-old chickens can grow to about 1 cm. As the chicken ages, this toe will also grow longer.

Eight, laying hens lay more eggs in winter

There is more sunlight. When the weather is not too cold, let the chickens bask in the sun. The temperature of the chicken coop should not be lower than 10°C. Exercise more. Hanging green vegetables and juicy feed in the house (3035 cm high from the ground), the chickens have to jump up and peck to increase the amount of exercise. Feed more. Increase the frequency of feeding, not less than 5 times a day, and drink warm water; feed more trace elements. Feeding trace elements can promote the metabolism of chickens and increase the egg production rate. Potassium iodide 20 mg (the amount per chicken) can be added to the feed and fed once a week.

Nine, the "method" for hens to lay more eggs

1. Each chicken is fed with one gram of honey (diluted with water) every day, mixed in the feed once in the morning and evening;

2. Add 8% cooked rapeseed cake to feed the chicken;

3. Reduce the diet by 10%, increase the number of earthworms by 20%, and feed the chickens from less to more;

4. Add earthworms according to the proportion of 10% of the fine material (it must be boiled and chopped);

5. Add 3% peanut shell powder to the feed to feed the chickens;

6. Add 2% sunflower powder to the chicken ingredients;

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7. Add 2% zinc to the ration. After 3 days of feeding, egg production will decrease. After a week, all production will be stopped. Then remove the zinc in the ration. After one week, egg production will rise to 50%. When laying eggs, it rises rapidly, which can be increased by 10% compared with the original;

8. Add 3% feather white powder to the feed of laying hens;

9. Dig a pit, spread pig manure on Wumian and cover it with straw, and water it every day to keep it moist. After a few days, maggots will grow in the pit, allowing chickens to peck at it can greatly increase the egg production rate.

What are the breeding methods of free-range chickens?

1. Build a chicken coop

Choose a place where the terrain is relatively flat, sheltered from the wind and facing the sun, with normal drainage and irrigation, no water accumulation, good vegetation, good isolation conditions, and convenient transportation. Tanks and temperature control facilities.

2. Variety selection

The chicken breeds of free-range chickens in rural areas are generally native chickens, such as reed chickens, three-yellow chickens, silky chickens, green-shell layer hens, etc., because native chickens have high market demand, strong growth ability, and strong disease resistance.

3. Feed

Free-range chickens in rural areas grow slowly and do not have high requirements for feed. It is better to feed them with mixed feeds. If they are fed with the same feed, it will cause malnutrition. If you have corn, pumpkin, sweet potato, rice, cassava, etc. at home, you can feed them together. Corn and rice can be ground into powder, and pumpkin and sweet potato can be cooked.

4. Daily management

To manage the chicks, you need to pay attention to the temperature and humidity. In short, you must take good care of them, otherwise, they will not survive. To manage young chickens, male and female chickens should be kept separately, and the amount of water tanks and food bowls should be kept in an appropriate amount every day, and they should not be fed too much. Manage adult chickens to meet the nutrient content of feed for laying hens, and increase the nutrient content of feed for overwintering chickens.

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5. Disease prevention and treatment

Free-range chickens have strong disease resistance and less disease, but they have more opportunities to be exposed to pathogens, so sanitation, disinfection, and epidemic prevention must be done well. Common diseases of chickens include colibacillosis, trichomoniasis, etc. If an epidemic occurs, it must be treated in time to avoid affecting breeding efficiency. The chicken manure should be removed regularly every day, the chicken house should be disinfected regularly, no deteriorating feed and drinking water should be fed, and the breeding density should be well controlled.

6. Timely sales

Chickens should be sold in good time to maximize profits. If the feeding period is too short, the meat quality will be poor and the taste will not be fresh. If the feeding period is too long, the meat quality will be older and the feeding cost will increase, which is uneconomical.

Established in 2000, LONGMU is engaged in poultry equipment production including chicken nipple drinkers, poultry waterer drinkers, poultry feeders, feeding lines, drinking lines, and transportation cages.

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