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Technical knowledge about raising chickens at home

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-09-04      Origin: LONGMU


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Technical knowledge about raising chickens at home

Family chicken raising is a common breeding mode in rural areas, and it has also become an inevitable way for rural farmers to obtain economic income. Therefore, the success of family chicken raising is very important to rural farmers. In order to ensure the success of family chicken raising, breeding House holds must do a good job in scientifically raising chickens in family chicken coops, and must not underestimate the family chicken raising model. So how should family chickens be fed? The following will introduce efficient raising methods for raising chickens at home, that is, eight key points of technical knowledge for raising chickens at home.

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1. Feeding methods for raising chickens at home

It is better to feed 2-3 times a day. It is best to use vegetable leaves, corn, leftover rice, or cooked noodles; when laying hens are fed at home, they also need to be given calcium supplements. Otherwise, there will be no raw materials for eggshell production. You can add sand, pebbles, and crushed eggs. Both bone residue and meat residue are acceptable. Chickens fed in this way grow well and lay large eggs. You also have to put a small bowl of water for them, they need to drink water. If you have time, catch some caterpillars and earthworms, that's the best.

2. according to the change of seasons

Generally speaking, in summer, it doesn't matter if you let the chickens out earlier in the morning. After all, the weather is hotter in summer, and letting the chickens out earlier can allow the chickens to move around. But in winter, you can't let the chickens out as early as Ali, because winter mornings are full of fog. Putting the chicken out too early makes it easy to catch a cold.

3.according to the change of seasons

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Generally speaking, in summer, it doesn't matter if you let the chickens out earlier in the morning. After all, the weather is hotter in summer, and letting the chickens out earlier can allow the chickens to move around. But in winter, you can't let the chickens out as early as Ali, because winter mornings are full of fog. Putting the chicken out too early makes it easy to catch a cold.

4. Keep stocking regularly

If you want to improve the meat quality of chickens, it is best to stock them frequently and eat some sand or worms, which will help the digestion ability of the chickens, and the meat quality of the chickens will be stronger, the taste will be more delicious, and the resistance will be better.

5. Feed some herbal tea appropriately

Chickens need to be properly fed with some herbal tea after a period of time because, after a long time, chickens will be prone to colds caused by lung heat and asthma. , so this must be noted.

6. Pay attention to the environment of the chicken coop

It is best to prepare a chicken coop specifically for chickens, and it should be ventilated and spacious. If it is too crowded, the air in the chicken coop will not circulate easily, and the chickens will easily get sick. The chicken coop should be cleaned regularly to avoid accumulating chickens. Leaving feces for too long creates a breeding environment for bacteria and viruses.

7.regular vaccination

Generally, for users who raise chickens at home, the village policy will provide farmers with free vaccinations, so they must report the number of chickens raised to the village committee, and then regularly carry out preventive work, which can improve the quantity and quality of chickens. This work must be done in a timely manner. It is best to do this work well before the onset of the disease. Generally, there is no effect after the onset of the disease.

8. Chickens should be raised according to their size.

Chickens and chicks are raised in the same category, and the older ones are raised together. If they are mixed together, the younger chickens generally cannot compete with the older chickens for food, so they are prone to malnutrition and many problems, which directly affect If the quantity and quality of chickens are sorted and raised, the quality and quantity of chickens can be improved.

So how to increase the egg production of native chickens? By doing the following five things, egg production can be increased by at least 15%

Appropriate stocking density: Different breeds of native chickens have different suitable stocking densities. Generally speaking, if the stocking density of chickens is too high or too low, it will have a negative impact on egg production, so it is necessary to choose an appropriate stocking density.

Reasonable feed formula: Reasonable feed formula can improve the nutritional level of native chickens and thereby increase egg production. The feed should be rationally prepared according to factors such as the breed, growth stage, production performance, and environment of native chickens.

Strengthen management: Scientific management can improve the health of native chickens, enhance their disease resistance, and thereby increase egg production. Management includes drinking water management, environmental sanitation, disease prevention and control, light management, temperature regulation, etc.

Scientific lighting: Appropriately increasing the lighting time and intensity can stimulate the sexual vigor of native chickens and increase egg production. Generally speaking, the lighting time should be controlled between 14-16 hours.

Regular disinfection: The environmental sanitation of native chicken houses has a great impact on the production performance of native chickens. Regular disinfection can effectively control the reproduction of germs and maintain environmental hygiene.

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It should be noted that increasing the egg production of native chickens requires comprehensive consideration of various factors such as feeding management, environmental conditions, and nutritional levels. Only by comprehensively strengthening management can good results be achieved.

How to quickly sell chickens, methods, and techniques of raising chickens

Chicken farmers, all want their chickens to grow quickly, to go out of the market quickly, and to have a short breeding cycle. First, they should choose high-quality chickens for breeding. The chickens are of suitable size and color, have clean feathers, and are beautiful in appearance and luster for breeding. So, how to raise chickens so that they are fat and big? Let’s learn the skills of raising chickens together!

1. Control the temperature of the chicken coop. The room temperature of broiler chickens during the first two weeks of life should be maintained at around 30°C. Suitable temperature is a necessary condition for the rapid growth of broiler chickens. Chicks lack the ability to regulate their body temperature. It needs a certain temperature to breed.

2. Scientific feeding method. Chicken feed should be fed with a variety of raw materials. The feed is rich in energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other elements. During the breeding process, you want the chickens to grow fast and feed them on time every day. Adding Vino chickens to the feed uses high-dimensional supplement vitamins to promote growth, improve palatability, and enhance resistance. In addition, moldy and rotten feed is not allowed to be fed, and chickens are allowed to eat freely.

3. Lighting should be controlled. If the light is too bright, the growth of the chicken will be inhibited. Dark light quiets the chickens, reduces activity, and reduces energy expenditure.

4. Deworm regularly. Scattered chickens make contact with the ground. Intestinal parasites (tapeworms, threadworms, flukes, etc.) are common and must be treated regularly. If chickens have severe intestinal parasites, they not only grow slowly but also lose weight. We often say that raising chickens without deworming is equivalent to doing nothing. It is generally recommended to dehydrate every 40 days.

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