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How to raise rabbits

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-04-10      Origin: LONGMU


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Breeding is a very profitable business. Many people have started to join in, and raising rabbits has become the first choice of most people. Rabbit raising does not require physical labor, and both the elderly and women can do it, which meets the breeding needs of most people. However, in addition to the need for certain experience and technology in raising rabbits, a scientific rabbit house is also crucial.

How to Build a rabbit house

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1. Terrain

The site of the rabbit house should be selected in a place with high dryness, flat terrain, appropriate slope, leeward and sunny, low groundwater level, and good drainage.

2. Water source and water quality

Generally, the water demand of rabbit houses is relatively large, such as drinking water for rabbits, water for feeding and management, such as water for cleaning and sanitation of rabbit house cages, water for planting feed crops, and water for daily life, etc. must have sufficient water sources. And production and domestic water should be clean and odorless, free from excessive impurities, bacteria, and parasites, and free from corrupt and toxic substances, and should meet the standards of human drinking water.

3. Soil quality

It is best to choose sandy soil to build a rabbit house. Sandy soil has good water permeability, which can ensure that the dryness and humidity meet the standards, has low thermal conductivity, and has good thermal insulation performance. Sandy soil with high compressive strength is good for cage construction.

4. Rabbit house design

It should conform to the living habits of rabbits, be conducive to the improvement of growth and production performance; facilitate feeding management and improve work efficiency; be conducive to cleanliness and sanitation, and prevent the spread of epidemic diseases.

5. Rabbit house cleaning

The defecation ditch must have a certain slope so that the excrement and urine can be smoothly discharged outside the house when cleaning and flushing with water, leading to the septic tank, and it is also convenient for urine to be discharged outside the house at any time, thereby reducing the humidity and harmful gas concentration in the house. For epidemic prevention and disinfection, a disinfection pool or a disinfection plate should be set at the entrance of the rabbit farm and rabbit house, and it is convenient to replace the disinfectant

What is the rabbit equipment.

1. Rabbit feeding trough

It is recommended to use externally sealed automatic feeding troughs for rabbit breeding. This kind of feeding trough is hung on the cage door. When the rabbit eats food, its head extends from the cage mouth into the feeding trough, which can effectively prevent feed and feed pollution, and also prevent the cubs from feeding. The rabbit got out of its mouth. The feeding trough is composed of a feeding port, a storage bin, a feeding trough, and a partition. It is very convenient to feed outside the cage and easy to operate.

2. Rabbit drinking fountain

Rabbit drinking fountainsare recommended to use a water supply system in which pure water bottles are hung and connected to duck bill nipple drinker, that is, the pure water bottles on household drinking fountains are hung upside down above the rabbit cage, and a plastic tube is connected to the mouth of the bottle to connect multiple drinking fountains. the back of each cage.

3. Feces and urine separation sewage system

The excrement and urine separation sewage system is a very important link. The advantage of excrement and urine separation is that it can greatly reduce the concentration of ammonia in the rabbit house, reduce the irritation to the rabbit's mucous membrane, and thus control the occurrence of infectious rhinitis and respiratory inflammation.

4. Rabbit litter box

The farrowing box is the main facility for artificially simulating the cave environment for female rabbits to give birth and raise young. The warmth retention, ventilation, size, and shape of the production box, the bedding in the production box, and the placement of the production box all have a great influence on the survival rate and development of the pups. box.


How to design the rabbit cage better

1. Rabbit cage wall: The cage wall made of cement boards requires a smooth surface, no moisture absorption, and no water storage, and if it is a wire cage, there should be no burrs.

2. The top of the rabbit cage: the top of the rabbit cage is required to be able to prevent heat and cold. The fixed cage can be made of cement board. The top of the wire cage is generally used as a dung-bearing board, and it is required to be completely covered, and each layer must not leak, especially the joint between the cages.

3. Cage floor: The cage floor is the key part of the rabbit cage. The best cage floor is the front and rear slatted type, that is, the front 2/3 of the cage floor is glue wood, and the rear 1/3 is slatted bamboo. The advantage of this kind of cage bottom is that it can not only effectively prevent the occurrence of foot dermatitis, but also effectively control the hygiene in the cage.

4. Feces-bearing board: The dung-bearing board is generally installed under the bottom plate of the cage. It mainly plays the role of receiving feces and urine. There are two types of plane and cement tile shapes. Flows backward into the ditch of feces and urine. The requirement for the dung-bearing board is that the front, rear, left, and right coverage should be strict, there should be no gaps between the upper and lower layers, and there should be a certain distance from the cage bottom plate.

5. Cage door: The key to the setting of the cage door is that it is easy to open and close, tightly closed, and easy to operate after opening. The height of the cage door should be basically the same as the height of the cage, and the width is generally about 30 cm.

What is the difference between a hare and a domestic rabbit

1. Body shape

Rabbits are larger in size, generally weighing more than 3.5 kg, and the maximum can reach 8 kg. The hare is relatively smaller in size, generally weighing about 2.5 kg, the largest is 3.5 kg, and the hare weighing 4 kg is very rare.

2. Appearance

The ears of domestic rabbits are shorter than those of wild rabbits, and their body is larger than that of wild rabbits, but the forelimbs and tails of wild rabbits are longer. In fact, this is also convenient for escaping in the wild, because rabbits are at the bottom of the food chain, and the wild environment is dangerous for them. So keener hearing and more developed limbs are needed, and rabbits don't have them.

The construction of the rabbit house will be introduced here first, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. People often say that breeding requires a lot of technology, but in fact, the most basic measures are the key to breeding. If you want to raise rabbits well, start with the rabbit house.

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